How To Help An Alcoholic: 15 Proven Tips To Start

Contact us to discuss intervention help, treatment options and available resources to help your loved one on the road to recovery. However, knowing how to help an alcoholic isn’t easy or straightforward. Learning what it takes to help an alcoholic loved one get on the road to recovery can be beneficial for all involved.

how to help an alcoholic

Alcoholism can also cause a parent to act in ways that are extremely embarrassing, or even humiliating, to their children and themselves. Join the thousands of people that have called a treatment provider for rehab information. Have a confidential, completely free conversation with a treatment provider about your financial options. For example, if your loved one passes out in the yard and you carefully help them into the house and into bed, only you feel the pain. The focus then becomes what you did (moved them) rather than what they did (drinking so much that they passed out outside).

Additional Resources & Articles For Friends & Family of Alcoholics

Treatment of alcohol use disorder is an ongoing process. Don’t consider your part done after your friend or family member is in therapy. Offer to help out with work, childcare, and household tasks if they get in the way of treatment sessions. Alcoholism is a term used to describe someone with an alcohol use disorder. Someone with alcoholism has both a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol.

  • If you want to help, you first need to determine if the person is actually an alcoholic.
  • You may tell yourself that surely there is something you can do.
  • While sobriety will improve all of them, many will still be present during recovery.

Recovery from alcoholism or a drinking problem can be a bumpy road. About half the people who complete alcohol abuse treatment for the first time stay alcohol-free, while the other half relapse and return to drinking at some point. It’s common for people to require treatment more than once to finally achieve sobriety. That means you’ll need plenty of patience when supporting your loved one’s recovery. In over 30 locations around the world, the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program helps alcoholics recovery a lasting sobriety.

How to Help an Alcoholic Spouse

Imagine yourself in the same situation and what your reaction might be. The risk of alcohol use disorder may run in some families. Other things, such as having low self-esteem or being impulsive, may raise the risk of alcohol use disorder. Addiction is a terrible disease that can cause permanent damage to a person’s mental, emotional and physical health.

Perhaps the best first step towards helping someone who has a drinking problem is to understand it as best as you possibly can. Understanding that an alcoholic is a different animal than just someone who likes to drink often is an important distinction to understand. Watching someone you love struggle with a drinking problem, or alcoholism can be extremely painful and frustrating. You may often feel helpless or that your attempts to help them go unseen or unappreciated. You may also be wondering what you can do to help or if the person even wants your help. Nar-Anon is based on the the Al-Anon model, only Nar-Anon is complementary to Narcotics Anonymous.

Make it comfortable to talk about the underlying cause contributing to their drinking.

Let them know you want to be supportive and that you’ve looked into how you can help them without making them feel you are forcing their hand. Next, be prepared to face a negative response and denial. Usually, a person who is drinking heavily will feel a lot of shame and guilt around their habits, but will not be ready to admit it or give it up. You want to avoid sounding like you are preaching, threatening or demoralizing someone, as this will not be received well during an active alcohol addiction. If your parent is struggling with alcoholism or other substance abuse issues, help is out there.

It doesn’t reach a certain level and remain there for very long; it continues to get worse until the person with an alcohol problem seeks help. Many family members of someone struggling with alcohol dependency try everything they can think of to get their loved one to stop drinking. Unfortunately, this usually results in leaving those family members feeling lonely and frustrated. It’s easy to lose sight of yourself and your needs when dealing with an addicted loved one.

If you support an alcoholic but don’t encourage them to go into treatment, you may be enabling their addiction. A key element of helping an alcoholic is providing ample support. Alcoholics often feel emotions like shame, regret, and isolation because of their drinking.

  • You may also want to see if other family members and friends want to be involved.
  • Schedule time into your day for relaxing, maintaining your own health, and doing the things you enjoy.
  • While cirrhosis scars from excessive drinking are irreversible, quitting alcohol and leading a healthier lifestyle can help your liver heal from alcohol-related liver disease.
  • Someone who abuses alcohol will not magically become a different person once they’re sober.
  • The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The best treatment option for your loved one depends largely on the depth of their drinking problem, the stability of their living situation, and any other health issues they may be facing. The path to sobriety is not always free of obstacles; relapse is a serious threat. If your loved one relapses, don’t blame, shame, or get angry; encourage your loved one to stop drinking and seek help as soon as possible. Aside from their professional treatment plan, your loved one will need support from you and their family to continue on the path to recovery.

You can use these benchmarks to assess how much your spouse is drinking. It is also worth paying attention to any patterns sober house of binge drinking your partner displays. Therapy and couples therapy are also worth exploring if you need a helping hand.

  • Express your concern for their well-being as someone who cares for them.
  • It’s common to hear them say, “The only reason I drink is because you…”
  • Co-DA is a 12-step group where members support each other as they try to not only survive but thrive.
  • Mental healthcare professionals diagnose alcohol use disorder based on responses to the criteria for AUD in DSM-5.
  • Over half of U.S. adults drink regularly, and alcoholism affects nearly 1 in 13 adults in the United States.

In 2009, only 2.6 million of the 23.5 million people who abused drugs and alcohol received treatment, according to… Addiction and mental health disorders are often connected, and understanding mental health disorders is important to understanding and treating… This one may seem odd, but the alcoholic isn’t the only one who needs help. Providing support for an alcoholic is difficult and can be a struggle both physically and emotionally. The SAMHSA Treatment Locator offers the option to search for treatment centers nearby, or if you prefer to travel for treatment, you can search by state or name. Alcoholism thrives primarily because those who suffer from it are in denial and don’t readily admit they are alcoholics.

Offer to attend sober meetings or gatherings with your loved one.

When a person is an alcoholic, they are out of control of their drinking. When they have a glass of alcohol, they have to finish it. When a person is truly an alcoholic and they have already been given chances to stop on their own, then it is not time for more chances. We’ve composed this list to provide a helpful guide that will sketch out a path for recovery, not just for the addict, themselves, but also for their friends and family. More often than not, someone with a drinking problem will choose alcohol over any other option they are given, resulting in more stress, frustration and pain. Instead of offering ultimatums, offer advice or options for help.

how to help an alcoholic

Even after recovery, your person will be in situations they can’t predict. Ways you can help include avoiding alcohol when you’re together or opting out of drinking in social situations. Ask about new strategies that they learned in treatment or meetings. We are passionate about helping adult men and women who struggle with alcohol abuse disorders and co-occurring mental illnesses find hope and healing.