Accounted Synonyms: 12 Synonyms and Antonyms for Accounted YourDictionary com

accounted for synonyms

Circumstance where a business receives more money from a factor than thevalueof the RECEIVABLES, which is aloanagainstinventoryin anticipation of future sales. Reporting to stockholders accounted for synonyms and the public, as opposed to internal reporting formanagement’s benefit. The difference in perception between the public and theCPAas a result ofaccountingandauditservice.

accounted for synonyms

Incomereported on aTAX BASISfor which nocashor financial benefit is realized. Movable property that is not affixed to theland.Personal propertyincludes tangible items such ascash, cars and computers, as well as intangible items, such as royalties, patents and copyrights. FINANCIAL STATEMENTSprepared for an individual or family to show financial status. A system for determiningINVENTORYon hand by a physical count that is taken at the end of anaccounting period. Retirement plan offered by an employer for the benefit of an employee, usually at retirement, through aTRUSTEEwho controls the plan ASSETS.

Gross Income

An additional agreement to aBONDissuethat defines the rights, privileges, and limitations of BONDHOLDERS. A way of arriving at the cost of inventory that computes the average cost of all goods available for sale during a fixed period in order to determine the value of inventory. Person in a brokerage house, bank trust dept., or mutual fund group who studies a number of companies and makes buy or sell recommendations on the securities of particular companies and industry groups. A contra-asset account used to reduce ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE to the amount that is expected to be collected in cash.

accounted for synonyms

The obvious effect of theuniform capitalization rulesis that taxpayers may not take current deductions for these costs but instead must be recovered through DEPRECIATIONorAMORTIZATION. Stock rights are rights issued to stockholders of aCORPORATIONthat entitle them to purchase new shares of stock in the corporation for a stated price that is often substantially less than theFAIR MARKET VALUEof the stock. These rights may be exercised by paying the stated price, may be sold, or may be allowed to expire or lapse. Under thePURCHASE METHOD OF ACCOUNTING, one entity is deemed to acquire another and there is a new basis of accounting for the ASSETS and LIABILITIES of the acquiredcompany. In a POOLING OF INTERESTS, two entities merge through an exchange ofCOMMON STOCKand there is no change in theCARRYING VALUEof the assets or liabilities.

National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)

This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Amino acid sequence alignment around His-171, GEF activity, and gene expression of FGD3. His-171 of bovine FGD3 and the flanking region is well conserved among mammalian species. The RhoGEF domain corresponds to the region from His-164 to Ala-344 of bovine FGD3. NIH3T3 cells were transfected with the bicistronic expression plasmid encoding HA-tagged wild or mutant bovine FGD3 and V5-tagged Cdc42.

accounted for synonyms

What does all is accounted for mean?

When people are all present and accounted for, everyone is in his or her proper place at the correct time. An example might be a school field trip. If all of the students are present and accounted for, that means they have all arrived, none of them is lost, and things can proceed.